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Ojizo is a bodhisattva or Buddhist saint. This means to be the remaining essence of a real person who found enlightenment by living a life devoted to true compassion and charity. We do not turn to Jizo asking for power or favors, but rather in search of inspiration in finding our own way through life. Since he is also of human origin like us, we can find comfort in the knowledge that his example is attainable. If we look at our lives as a series of journeys, we know we will encounter much joy, beauty, hardship and sorrow along the way. As we negotiate along our path we can be encouraged to persist through the steep inclines and find a way to lend a comforting hand when we see the need. The nature of Jizo can be found in people of all faiths and cultures. Sometimes we are surprised to find it in unlikely places such as those who are needy and vulnerable themselves. It is an enlightening and precious discovery to find it even in little children, those with disabilities, the sick, the suffering, and those who are preparing to die. It is a true enrichment of our lives when we can exercise the Jizo nature within ourselves as well as recognize it in others. Every Ojizo statue I make is a little prayer for peace, compassion and comfort and comes with and explanation tag. They range in size from one inch in height to thirty inches tall. Some are accompanied by children or animals. I am open to discussing custom orders. 

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